Tuesday, July 8, 2014


                                Photo: njiiri's jua kali tv

He was thought to be the Joshua of the abaluhya people  after Wamalwa took us took us across the political red sea. Wamalwa Kijana was our political Moses who almost took us there.we banked our trust on this son of Mudamba little did we know that he would be confused and lead the flock astray.His father was a respected leader who drew  his following  from the strong decisions he made. Luhyas often say "Lukhu lusala likokhe" a popular saying meaning firewood gives rise to ash.This,at least the people of mulembe have proved.He was a leader who seemed to have been forced to power.the much i remember is that when his father died in 1989,the people of Sabatia decided to give the premature politician a chance with hope that he may mature to be like his father but...mmm-mm.He first showed how gullible he is by giving in to a slot in the Kanu government and became the shortest serving vice president Kenya ever had.I call it poor decision making as he was full aware of the NARC wave.It swept him with the KANU government as Akaranga did what he does best at his home constituency.He was again pulled from the political mud by Rt.Hon Raila Odinga.I remember it was on a podium in busia where a statement- 'ngombe akivunjika mguu hurudi zizini.' made him take a walk of shame back o active politics.He was even given a number 2 position in ODM.Later,he ran away as he thought he was the key to the Western vote.He struggled through with his small pond UDF that would hardly attract any fisherman.he merged with Eunice Wamalwa. Hehe....apologies.His female behavior even made me confuse Eugine for Eunice.All the same.He was another polical blind man.I dont know who would have led another.When Musalia saw goodies on the Jubilee table,he left Eugine at Uhuru park stranded,just inhaling lots of oxygen as he waited for the already married bride. Yes. Musalia had already tied knots with Uhuru therefore breaking the mapambano coalition that was to be formed.Th marriage didnt last long as the intruder wanted to take over the house. Hon. Raila often old us the story of a camel which wanted refuge in someones house and later wanted to take over the whole house. Musalia was the camel the story.He was chased away from the jubilee house.As if that was not enough insult,he was called mashetani. This is the worst insult for the luhya community.You cant imagine how gullible this guy was as he was latter called back for a post election pact.Now,he has been invited back to the CORD house but he seems to shrug his shoulders in pride.Boss,you are too soft for the Kenyan politics.We cant beg you more as you are transparently not the Joshua for the abluhya people.You are in fact confusing us more.Just leave us alone.we will find our way there.

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